Information from Sustrans.

Text for sharing to promote x2 resident drop-in events for Brampton Quietway


The Brampton Quietway project seeks to work with local communities to develop ideas and trial solutions for improving conditions along Brampton Road for all users, with particular consideration for more vulnerable road users (those walking, using mobility aids, or cycles). As such, Sustrans and Cambridgeshire County Council will be holding two resident drop-ins the week commencing 25th November to kick start the wider engagement and address some recent concerns raised by local residents.

Residents are welcome to attend anytime between the beginning and end of the event and there is no expectation for anyone to attend for the duration.

The events are scheduled for:

  • Monday 25th November 2024, 3pm – 7pm at Brampton Memorial Centre, and
  • Thursday 28th November 2024, 4pm – 8pm at Grafham Village Hall.

The content and format will be the same at each. We will be sharing background information to the project, looking at local traffic related data that has been collected, share open maps for residents to pin-point issues or concerns (both for Brampton Road and surrounding roads), allowing various opportunities to feedback on local journeys, and providing an overview of next steps.  To be clear, there are no longer any designs or plans at this stage. These events are an opportunity to meet with residents, build back trust around the project, and provide a forum for residents and stakeholders to share thoughts and experiences of Brampton Road and the immediate, surrounding area. We will then follow these events with further opportunities for local people to come together, in the new year, to then develop design ideas and improvements for Brampton Road based on this initial feedback.

Additionally, we appreciate not all residents will be able to make these two drop-in dates, so we will be holding pop-up events in the local area in key locations (including Grafham Water) and meeting with other local stakeholders during December. We will ensure that all residents who want to engage with this project get the opportunity to do so. Some of these activities will be advertised and others will be impromptu (depending on weather and locations).

To complement this messaging, we will also be delivering a mail out to specific villages in the area (letters arriving from Tuesday w/c 18th Nov) and liaising closely with other stakeholders, including parish councils. We look forward to seeing many of you at the drop in events or other engagement activities over the coming weeks.