Cambridgeshire County Council
Report non-dangerous highways faults here:
Information on reporting highways emergencies:
Please note: it is normally quicker and more efficient for residents to report highways faults directly using the above links. If you are unable to do so the parish council clerk can report them on your behalf, but this will take longer – the report coming from the parish council carries no extra weight.
Huntingdonshire District Council
Perry Parish Council
Phone number: 07412978476
Postal address ONLY: 2 The Drive, Perry, CAMBS. PE28 0SX
Please be aware that council employees work part time, so you may not get a response by return. The above address is private property, and absolutely no business visitors are permitted on the premises.
Huntingdonshire Police
Please send non-urgent concerns, complaints or information to Inspector Colin Norden ( Urgent matters should always be reported via 999.
Further information: